Friday, December 16, 2011

To Talk To

“Everyone, at some point in their lives, wakes up in the middle of the night with the feeling that they are all alone in the world, and that nobody loves them now and that nobody will ever love them, and that they will never have a decent night's sleep again and will spend their lives wandering blearily around a loveless landscape, hoping desperately that their circumstances will improve, but suspecting, in their heart of hearts, that they will remain unloved forever. The best thing to do in these circumstances is to wake somebody else up, so that they can feel this way, too.”  ~Lemony Snicket

As much as we want that quote above to be untrue, wishing (contrary to popular fairy tales) usually doesn't do didly squat, especially when faced with truth and real life.
Unfortunately, it sometimes seems like there is no one at all to talk to. That there is no one you can talk to when you wake up during the middle of the night- or even when you get that feeling randomly in the middle of the afternoon. You can feel helpless and pointless and like you're never going to do anything else.

There is always someone there.

That can sound slightly hypocritical coming from a girl who, for the longest time, believed that no one cared (and who still struggles with that sometimes) but it's true. There is always someone there to listen to you. There is always going to be your "friend at midnight" who will wake up just to listen to you cry on the phone. There is always going to be someone you can talk to when you feel like you just want to rip the heads off of everyone you meet. There is always someone there who is going to be there when you feel so happy that you think you're going to burst, and for the times when you feel so down in the pits of despair that you don't think that the tallest ladder will get you out.

There is always someone there.

A year ago, my mom said something that really made me think. "See, Mary wakes up really early but goes to bed really early. But April goes to sleep at about three, and she wakes up at nine. So, no matter what time I  need to talk, I know there's going to be one of them who is there to listen to me."
There is always someone there to listen to you. Or to talk to you. It doesn't matter whether you want to rant about random stuff, or talk about fuzzy rabbits, or just sit there and know that someone is there, even if you don't say anything. There is always someone there.

There is always someone there.

It can be a friend. It can be someone you've only met online. It can be a best friend. It can be the guy you hate. It can be your mom, your aunt, your grandma, some random stranger at a suicide hotline (1800SUICIDE is one) or an online service ( is an online chat service for people in crisises) or anyone else. But I can guarentee that there is going to be someone there. Always someone there. And sometimes help comes from unexpected places. People you didn't think would care about you at all stay up all night talking to you to keep you happy. People you barely know say goodbye to you every day by the phrase "stay happy!". Near complete strangers will write your name on their arms.
But help can come from expected places, too. Your best friend will keep trying to convince you that life has a point. Your sister will give you random hugs. Friends moms will say that they love you.
The point is: You are never alone. Never ever ever ever ever.

There is always someone there.
There is always someone there.

If all else fails, I encourage you to start a blog about it. Or a journal. Something along those lines.
If you want, you can even email me, and I'll try to reply when I can.
There is always someone there.


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